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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - barge


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Перевод с английского языка barge на русский

1) баржа 2) выступ (напр. дымохода) на стене здания - bunkering barge - bury barge - cargo barge - coastal barge - container barge - covered barge - deep-water drilling barge - diving barge - dry cargo barge - dumb barge - dummy barge - dump barge - estuarial barge - fuel oil barge - fuel barge - garbage barge - gasoline barge - hopper barge - inland water drilling barge - jetting barge - launching barge - lifting-and-mooring barge - mining barge - non-self-propelled barge - nuclear-servicing barge - ocean barge - oil tank barge - oil barge - open barge - petrol barge - pipe burying barge - pipe-lay barge - pipeline trenching barge - reel barge - refrigerated barge - river barge - seagoing barge - self-dumping barge - self-propelled barge - self-unloading barge - semisubmersible barge - skimming barge - sludge barge - tank barge - utility barge - water barge - weld-and-lay barge
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См. в других словарях

  баржа дымоход, дымовая труба (выступающие из фронтонной стены) to barge to location dredging barge pipeline trenching barge ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  баржа - knock-down barge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ., мор. баржа, баркас ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. баржа; барка; шаланда; баркас a barge of state —- ист. королевская барка 2. адмиральский катер 3. экскурсионный, туристический пароход 4. плавучий дом, баржа, барка и т. п., приспособленные для жилья 5. разг. посудина (пренебр. о судне) 6. с-х. копнитель 7. перевозить на барже 8. двигаться медленно, неуклюже to barge one's way through the crowd —- пробираться сквозь толпу 9. (into, against) наталкиваться (с разбега) на (кого-л., что-л.) he barged into me —- он налетел на меня 10. сл. перепалка, ругань ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) баржа; барка  2) двухпалубная баржа для экскурсий  3) naut. адмиральский катер  4) amer. омнибус, автобус для экскурсий  5) archit. выступ дымовой трубы над фронтонной стеной  2. v.  1) перевозить (грузы) на барже  2) coll. to barge into/against smth., smb. - натолкнуться на что-л., кого-л. the boy rushed in, barging against the door - barge around - barge about - barge into - barge in BARGE about кружиться неуклюже вокруг чего-л. BARGE around кружиться неуклюже вокруг чего-л. BARGE in вторгаться There was no need for you to barge in (to our conversation) with your remarks. BARGE into  а) быстро вбежать The door burst open and the children barged in (to the room). The children barged into the room, shouting.  б) удариться, врезаться That rude man barged into me in the shop.  в) неожиданно встретить кого-л. I barged into an old friend in town today. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals, rivers, etc. 2 a long ornamental boat used for pleasure or ceremony. 3 a boat used by the chief officers of a man-of-war. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by around) lurch or rush clumsily about. 2 (foll. by in, into) a intrude or interrupt rudely or awkwardly (barged in while we were kissing). b collide with (barged into her). Etymology: ME f. OF perh. f. med.L barica f. Gk baris Egyptian boat ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin barca  Date: 14th century any of various boats: as  a. a roomy usually flat-bottomed boat used chiefly for the transport of goods on inland waterways and usually propelled by towing  b. a large motorboat supplied to the flag officer of a flagship  c. a roomy pleasure boat; especially a boat of state elegantly furnished and decorated  II. verb  (~d; barging)  Date: 1649  transitive verb to carry by ~  intransitive verb  1. to move ponderously or clumsily  2. to thrust oneself heedlessly or unceremoniously ~d into the meeting ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (barges, barging, barged) 1. A barge is a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom. Barges are used for carrying heavy loads, especially on canals. Carrying goods by train costs nearly three times more than carrying them by barge. N-COUNT: also by N 2. If you barge into a place or barge through it, you rush or push into it in a rough and rude way. (INFORMAL) Students tried to barge into the secretariat buildings... VERB: V into/through n 3. If you barge into someone or barge past them, you bump against them roughly and rudely. (INFORMAL) He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor. VERB: V into/past n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a large low boat with a flat bottom used mainly for carrying heavy goods on a canal (1) or river 2 a large rowing boat used for an important ceremony ~2 v to move somewhere in an awkward way, often hitting against things  (She ran around the corner and barged into one of the teachers. | barge your way)  (He barged his way through the room.) barge in phr v to enter or rush in rudely  (I wish she wouldn't barge in like that.) + on  (Her mother barged in on her and Mike when they were in bed together!) barge in on phr v to interrupt someone rudely  (Dan's always barging in on other people's conversations.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. barge, from M.L. *barica, from Gk. baris "Egyptian boat," from Coptic bari "small boat." The verb form barge into dates from 1830s, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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